Passive Investment Strategies: Analysis of Smart Beta ETFs Performance
This End of Master Project examines the performance and efficiency of forty equity U.S.
domiciled ETFs between 2014 and 2017. The objective is to analyse the efficiency of the Smart
Beta ETFs to determine whether it is a more profitable investment than traditional Market Cap
ETFs for a long-term period. In doing so, one aims to draw conclusions about the level of risk
of these investment vehicles and determine whether it is an adequate product fitting every type
of investor. The comparative analysis shows that on a general basis, Smart Beta ETFs should be
consider passive investment products and do have a better performance than traditional Market
Cap ETFs for a long-term period. However, the analysis captures a higher efficiency for Market
Cap ETFs compared to Smart Beta ETFs based on the risk-adjusted return indicators. Hence,
traditional ETFs have higher returns for the same level of risk.
Trabajo Fin de Máster
Passive Investment Strategies: Analysis of Smart Beta ETFs PerformanceTitulación / Programa
Máster Universitario en FinanzasMaterias/ UNESCO
53 Ciencias económicas5311 Organización y dirección de empresas
531102 Gestión financiera
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