Book overview and Q&A with David Marsh, Victor Pavón-Vázquez, and María Jesús Frigols-Martín [review of the book 'The higher education language landscape: Ensuring quality in English language degree programmes']
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Reseña del libro The higher education language landscape: Ensuring quality in English language degree programmes, con entrevista con los autores. Book review with author interview.
Book overview and Q&A with David Marsh, Victor Pavón-Vázquez, and María Jesús Frigols-Martín [review of the book 'The higher education language landscape: Ensuring quality in English language degree programmes']
Tipo de Actividad
Artículos en revistasISSN
2157-6254Palabras Clave
AICLE, política lingüisitica, calidad, ICLHEEMI, quality assurance, higher education