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Gestión de proyectos internacionales - Programa EMPIR 2014: Una experiencia española
El Centro Español de Metrología (CEM) ha colaborado activamente en la gestión del proyecto europeo EMPIR 14IND14 (2015-2018): “Torque measurement in the MN·m range”. El objetivo de este proyecto era desarrollar nuevos ... -
Explorative spatial data mining for energy technology adoption and policy design analysis
Spatial data mining aims at the discovery of unknown, useful patterns from large spatial datasets. This article presents a thorough analysis of the Portuguese adopters of distributed energy resources using explorative ... -
Heuristic approaches to size microgrids: a methodology to compile multiple design options
With the aim of maximizing profits of specific business applications, economics, and sometimes reliability and environmental constraints, have been widely guiding developers when designing microgrids. However, mathematical ... -
Consideraciones metrológicas en los requerimientos de exposición a vibraciones en la normativa de seguridad y salud en el trabajo
La normativa relativa a la seguridad y salud en el trabajo es uno de los pilares de la prevención de riesgos laborales. Numerosos aspectos son evaluados por distintas normativas para asegurar la seguridad del personal en ... -
EUniversal: the universal market enabling interface as a way to unlock flexibility solutions for cost-effective management of smarter distribution grids
This paper offers an overview of EUniversal H2020 project which aims to develop and demonstrate a replicable solution for the interaction of the DSO (through the UMEI – Universal Market Enabling Interface) with the new ... -
Stochastic operation of isolated microgrids: aggregating-rule-based optimization versus standard approaches
Stochastic operation of power systems has risen attention of researchers as fluctuating energy sources like renewables are being increasingly integrated into existing grids. Uncertainties can be higher in small power systems ... -
Supporting a sustainable multi-energy planning: the case study of Sulcis Iglesiente province in Italy
In the energy transition context, the design of integrated multi-energy systems is key for reaching ambitious sustainabilityobjectives. Due to the intermittent nature of the renewable energy sources, introducing technologies ... -
Eliminación de ruido en señales acústicas para detección de fallas en materiales compuestos
Las mediciones experimentales en el campo del análisis de vibraciones se encuentran inevitablemente contaminadas con ruido. Este es proveniente de varias fuentes incluyendo condiciones medioambientales y aspectos propios ... -
Gender, racialization and sexual orientation: a common ground for aggression in the form of cyberbullying and online hate speech
Bullying and its virtual form, cyberbullying, are often presented as universal phenomena that can be suffered by any student. However, if we look at the risk factors, we find issues such as gender, race or sexual orientation ... -
Who shares fake news? Consumption, verification and dissemination of information among adolescents
The main objective of this study is to find out how adolescents access and share online information, in particular fake news. To achieve this goal, eight focus groups were conducted in five European countries (Portugal, ... -
Lean and safety management: a project to improve the continuity of care for chronic patients
Enhancing the quality of care for chronic patients means guaranteeing the delivery of integrated care. Integrated health systems help overcome the fragmentation of care processes, by bridging the organisational, managerial, ... -
Equation with boundary feedback damping
In this paper we consider PDE problems in which certain terms of the equations are concentrated,when a parameter tends to zero. Usually near the domain boundary.This implies that the problem in question is subject to ... -
Variational Linearized Laplace Approximation for bayesian deep learning
The Linearized Laplace Approximation (LLA) has been recently used to perform uncertainty estimation on the predictions of pre-trained deep neural networks (DNNs). However, its widespread application is hindered by significant ... -
Sled tests for development of HIII CAE dummy certification method
Virtual testing has been used as complement to mechanical testing in consumer information programs such as European New Car Assessment Program (Euro NCAP) since 2009. Rapid expansion of virtual testing with additional load ... -
Preparing for virtual testing for crashworthiness: proposing a method for certifying ATD models for frontal crash assessments
In the Euro NCAP 2030 roadmap, Virtual Testing using the H3 adult ATD FE-models is planned to be implemented in the next phase. Certification of ATD models ensures that the virtual models can predict the response of the ... -
Computing leastcore allocations for firm-energy rights: a mixed integer programming procedure
The Firm energy of generation plants is a critical component in some electricity markets. It is usually calculated by the regulator and sets a cap to the amount a plant can trade in capacity markets (or auctions), in order ... -
Evaluation of demand side management mechanisms and opportunities for their development in the Brazilian power industry
Demand Side Management (DSM) can be defined as the process that aims to modify the behavior of the consumer through price signals, financial incentives and awareness actions, among other mechanisms, in order to improve the ... -
Practices for risk assessment and control in the Brazilian electricity market: state of the art
CIGRE Study committee C5 in Brazil created in 2014 a working group to focus on risk management practices. This paper analyses the results of a survey done in 2015, that intended to discover the current status of risk ...