This paper describes a model for planning large scale MV networks from scratch, that is, ignoring existing installations. The resultant ideal networks can be used by the regulator as a benchmark to set the remuneration of distribution utilities in their different service areas. In addition, reliability targets and associated economic incentives or penalties can also be proposed from the results of the model. The network planning process is broken down in two phases. In phase one, a radial network is developed minimizing both feeder investment and ohmic losses costs considering geographical information. In phase two, the model takes into account equipment failures and, in order to achieve a prescribed reliability level, it installs protective devices along the feeders together with additional feeder sections that allow alternative supplies for the loads. Because of the lack of precise data related to equipment failure rates and repair times, modeling uncertainty is a key issue in the second phase.
A Model for Planning Large Scale MV Networks considering Uncertainty in Reliability Modeling