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Showing results 1 to 20 of 146  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-A framework for electricity distribution-level coordination through local flexibility mechanismsAbdelmotteleb, Ibtihal; Gómez San Román, Tomás; Chaves Ávila, José Pablo; Vries, Laurens J. de; Reneses Guillén, Javier
15-Dec-2023A methodological approach for assessing flexibility and capacity value in renewable-dominated power systems: a Spanish case study in 2030Huclin, Sébastien; Ramos Galán, Andrés; Chaves Ávila, José Pablo; Matanza Domingo, Javier; González-Eguino, Mikel
1-Jun-2023A new two-stage controller design for frequency regulation of low-inertia power system with virtual synchronous generatorMohammed Nour, Morsy Abdelkader Morsy; Magdy, Gaber; Chaves Ávila, José Pablo; Sánchez Miralles, Alvaro; Jurado Melguizo, Francisco
-A review of cross-sector decarbonisation potentials in the European energy intensive industryGerres, Timo; Chaves Ávila, José Pablo; Linares Llamas, Pedro; Gómez San Román, Tomás
10-Feb-2019A review of cross-sector decarbonisation potentials in the European energy intensive industryGerres, Timo; Chaves Ávila, José Pablo; Linares Llamas, Pedro; Gómez San Román, Tomás
1-Sep-2017A review of the value of aggregators in electricity systemsBurger, Scott; Chaves Ávila, José Pablo; Batlle López, Carlos; Pérez Arriaga, José Ignacio
-Accounting for network energy losses when computing distribution locational marginal prices in a large-scale power system: application to the Spanish caseChaves Ávila, José Pablo; Gómez San Román, Tomás; Ramos Galán, Andrés; Castro Cerdas, Juan José
-An assessment of the European electricity market reform options and a pragmatic proposalChaves Ávila, José Pablo; Cossent Arín, Rafael; Gómez San Román, Tomás; Linares Llamas, Pedro; Rivier Abbad, Michel Luis
-An assessment of the European electricity market reform options and a pragmatic proposalChaves Ávila, José Pablo; Cossent Arín, Rafael; Gómez San Román, Tomás; Linares Llamas, Pedro; Rivier Abbad, Michel Luis
-An overview of natural gas network tariffs design considering the regulatory principles as guiding criteriaMosácula Atienza, Celia; Chaves Ávila, José Pablo; Reneses Guillén, Javier
31-Dec-2023Analysis of different flexible technologies in the Spain NECP for 2030Ramos Galán, Andrés; Huclin, Sébastien; Chaves Ávila, José Pablo
-Analysis of new flexibility market models in EuropeValarezo Rivera, Orlando Mauricio; Gómez San Román, Tomás; Chaves Ávila, José Pablo; Lind, Leandro; Correa Ramírez, Mauricio; Ulrich Ziegler, David; Escobar Rodríguez, Rodrigo
2-Jun-2021Analysis of new flexibility market models in EuropeValarezo Rivera, Orlando Mauricio; Gómez San Román, Tomás; Chaves Ávila, José Pablo; Lind, Leandro; Correa Ramírez, Mauricio; Ulrich Ziegler, David; Escobar Rodríguez, Rodrigo
1-Dec-2022Análisis de las necesidades de almacenamiento eléctrico de España en el horizonte 2030Valentín Virseda, Juan José; Chaves Ávila, José Pablo; Linares Llamas, Pedro; Ramos Galán, Andrés
1Análisis de las necesidades de almacenamiento eléctrico de España en el horizonte 2030Valentín Virseda, Juan José; Chaves Ávila, José Pablo; Linares Llamas, Pedro; Ramos Galán, Andrés
-Appraising recommendations and challenges of real-world implementations of market-based TSO-DSO coordination: the theoretical market frameworkTroncia, Matteo; Chaves Ávila, José Pablo; Damas Silva, Carlos; Gerard, Helena; Willeghems, Gwen
1-Dec-2021Assessment of electricity network investment for the integration of high RES shares : a Spanish-like case studyHerding, Leslie; Cossent Arín, Rafael; Rivier Abbad, Michel Luis; Chaves Ávila, José Pablo; Gómez San Román, Tomás
-Assessment of electricity network investment for the integration of high RES shares: a comparative case studyHerding, Leslie; Cossent Arín, Rafael; Rivier Abbad, Michel Luis; Chaves Ávila, José Pablo; Gómez San Román, Tomás
-Assessment of integrated community energy systemsKoirala, Binod Prasad; Hakvoort, Rudi A.; Chaves Ávila, José Pablo; Gómez San Román, Tomás
31-Dec-2022Automatic generation control of a future multi-source power system considering high renewables penetration and electric vehicles: Egyptian power system in 2035Mohammed Nour, Morsy Abdelkader Morsy; Magdy, Gaber; Chaves Ávila, José Pablo; Sánchez Miralles, Alvaro; Petlenkov, Eduard