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Showing results 1 to 20 of 176  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jul-2022A rising role for decentralized solar minigrids in integrated rural electrification planning? Large-scale, least-cost customer-wise design of grid and off-grid supply systems in UgandaGonzález García, Andrés; Ciller Cutillas, Pedro; Lee, Stephen J.; Palacios Hielscher, Rafael; Cuadra García, Fernando; Pérez Arriaga, José Ignacio
21A rising role for decentralized solar minigrids in integrated rural electrification planning? Large-scale, least-cost customer-wise design of grid and off-grid supply systems in UgandaGonzález García, Andrés; Ciller Cutillas, Pedro; Lee, Stephen J.; Palacios Hielscher, Rafael; Cuadra García, Fernando; Pérez Arriaga, José Ignacio
1-Jun-2022A rising role for decentralized solar minigrids in integrated rural electrification planning? Large-scale, least-cost customer-wise design of grid and off-grid supply systems in UgandaGonzález García, Andrés; Ciller Cutillas, Pedro; Lee, Stephen J.; Palacios Hielscher, Rafael; Cuadra García, Fernando; Pérez Arriaga, José Ignacio
8-Jan-2009A straightforward method for creating and verifying digital signatures in HTML formsPalacios Hielscher, Rafael; de la Fuente González, David
1-Oct-2008A system for processing handwritten bank checks automaticallyPalacios Hielscher, Rafael; Gupta, Amar
31-Oct-2011A tool for the assessment of the electromagnetic forces in power distribution transformersDa Costa Lopes, Andrey; Sanz Bobi, Miguel Ángel; Rouco Rodríguez, Luis; Palacios Hielscher, Rafael; Flores Losada, Luis; Cirujano Ballesteros, Pablo
3-Oct-2010A tool for the assessment of the electromagnetic forces in power distribution transformersDa Costa Lopes, Andrey; Sanz Bobi, Miguel Ángel; Rouco Rodríguez, Luis; Palacios Hielscher, Rafael; Flores Losada, Luis; Cirujano Ballesteros, Pablo
13-Sep-2005Acceso remoto a ensayos de control en tiempo real basados en MatlabPalacios Hielscher, Rafael; Rodríguez Pecharromán, Ramón
13-Sep-2010Aircraft-based complexity assessment for radar controllers in the multi-sector planner experimentLi, Lishuai; Cho, Hongseok; Hansman, R. John; Palacios Hielscher, Rafael
1-Sep-2015Analysis of flight data using clustering techniques for detecting abnormal operationsLi, Lishuai; Das, Santanu; Hansman, R. John; Palacios Hielscher, Rafael; Srivastava, Ashok N.
1-Sep-2021Analysis of harassment complaints to detect witness intervention by machine learning and soft computing techniquesAlonso Parra, Marina; Puente Águeda, Cristina; Laguna Pradas, Ana; Palacios Hielscher, Rafael
8Analysis of security and privacy issues in wearables for minorsFúster de la Fuente, Jaime; Solera Cotanilla, Sonia; Pérez Sánchez, Jaime; Vega Barbas, Mario; Palacios Hielscher, Rafael; Álvarez-Campana Fernández-Corredor, Manuel; López López, Gregorio
1-Feb-2009Analysis of stochastic problem decomposition algorithms in computational gridsLatorre Canteli, Jesús María; Cerisola Lopez De Haro, Santiago; Ramos Galán, Andrés; Palacios Hielscher, Rafael
-Analysis of stochastic problem decomposition algorithms in computational gridsLatorre Canteli, Jesús María; Cerisola Lopez De Haro, Santiago; Ramos Galán, Andrés; Palacios Hielscher, Rafael
-Analysis of the Performance of Benders-based Decomposition Methods for Linear Stochastic Programming on a GridLatorre Canteli, Jesús María; Palacios Hielscher, Rafael; Ramos Galán, Andrés
-Analysis of the performance of benders-based distributed decomposition methods for linear stochastic programmingLatorre Canteli, Jesús María; Palacios Hielscher, Rafael; Ramos Galán, Andrés
1-Dec-2009Analytical procedure to obtain internal parameters from performance curves of commercial thermoelectric modulesPalacios Hielscher, Rafael; Arenas Alonso, Antonio; Rodríguez Pecharromán, Ramón; Pagola y de las Heras, Francisco Luis
-Analyzing mobility patterns of complex chronic patients using wearable activity trackers: a machine learning approachPolo Molina, Alejandro; Sánchez Ubeda, Eugenio Francisco; Portela González, José; Palacios Hielscher, Rafael; Rodríguez-Morcillo García, Carlos; Muñoz San Roque, Antonio; Álvarez Romero, Celia; Hernández Quiles, Carlos
-Análisis térmico del comportamiento de un microprocesador de PC utilizando diferentes sistemas de disipaciónPalacios Hielscher, Rafael; Arenas Alonso, Antonio; Vázquez Arias, Jorge
1-Mar-2016Anomaly detection via a Gaussian Mixture Model for flight operation and safety monitoringLi, Lishuai; Hansman, R. John; Palacios Hielscher, Rafael; Welsch, Roy