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dc.contributor.authorTejeiro Koller, Manuel Ramónes-ES
dc.descriptionArtículos en revistases_ES
dc.description.abstractPurpose The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the development of a new perspective on adaptive strategy design. It examines the concept of adaptive advantage, as such a new perspective, and seeks to improve its understanding and application. The study of its origins leads to a solid comprehension of the concept and the proposal of a certain company profile. This could serve as a foundation for further research and as benchmark for companies trying to be more responsive to change and ultimately more resilient. Design/methodology/approach Three theories of the area of adaptability, namely, organization ecology, corporate demography and complexity-based thinking, have been studied conducting a review of the relevant literature of each one. After drawing out the individual contributions, a definition of adaptive advantage is offered and the question about its implementation in an organization is posed. Consequently, indicators of the three elements impacting adaptability, innovation culture, decision-making style and accumulated experience are measured in a sample of old and innovative firms. In order to do so, three questionnaires have been used, resulting in a case description of an archetype of adaptive companies. Findings It is shown that the expected elements are present, but in a lesser degree than expected. In conclusion, the trial study shows a pattern of old, innovative firms, whose cultures promote innovation, are analytic and adaptive in their decision making and have relatively high levels of accumulated experience. Originality/value This general review improves the comprehension of a complex concept currently under debate in the field of strategic planning. It explains the areas of the firm implicated in the achievement of adaptive advantage and tries to clarify a practical application of the concept.en-GB
dc.sourceRevista: Journal of Organizational Change Management, Periodo: 2, Volumen: 29, Número: 6, Página inicial: 837, Página final: 854es_ES
dc.titleExploring adaptability in organizations: Where adaptive advantage comes from and what it is based upones_ES
dc.rights.holderSuscripción obligatoria.es_ES
dc.keywordsAdaptability, Organizational change, Strategic planning, Innovation culture, Organizational evolutionen-GB
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