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dc.contributor.authorRotger-Griful, Sergies-ES
dc.contributor.authorChatzivasileiadis, Spyroses-ES
dc.contributor.authorJacobsen, Rune Hylsberges-ES
dc.contributor.authorStewart, Emma M.es-ES
dc.contributor.authorMatanza Domingo, Javieres-ES
dc.contributor.authorWetter, Michaeles-ES
dc.descriptionCapítulos en libroses_ES
dc.description.abstractIn modern power systems, co-simulation is proposed as an enabler for analyzing the interactions between disparate systems. This paper introduces the co-simulation platform Virtual Grid Integration Laboratory (VirGIL) including Hardware-inthe-Loop testing, and demonstrates its potential to assess demand response strategies. VirGIL is based on a modular architecture using the Functional Mock-up Interface industrial standard to integrate new simulators. VirGIL combines state-of-the-art simulators in power systems, communications, buildings, and control. In this work, VirGIL is extended with a Hardware-in-the-Loop component to control the ventilation system of a real 12-story building in Denmark. VirGIL capabilities are illustrated in three scenarios: load following, primary reserves and load following aggregation. Experimental results show that the system can track one minute changing signals and it can provide primary reserves for up-regulation. Furthermore, the potential of aggregating several ventilation systems is evaluated considering the impact at distribution grid level and the communications protocol effect.en-GB
dc.publisherUniversità degli Study di Genova; Consorzio interuniversitario nazionale per energia e sistemi elett (Génova, Italia)es_ES
dc.sourceLibro: 19th Power Systems Computation Conference - PSCC 2016, Página inicial: 1-7, Página final:es_ES
dc.subject.otherInstituto de Investigación Tecnológica (IIT)es_ES
dc.titleHardware-in-the-loop co-simulation of distribution grid for demand responsees_ES
dc.keywordsDemand Response, Co-simulation, Functional Mock-up Interface, PowerFactory, Hardware-in-the-Loop.en-GB
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