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Título : Development of the Safety and Healthcare project
Autor : Arana, Sergio
Sánchez, Sergio
Prat Díez, Mónica
Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería (ICAI)
Palabras clave : 33 Ciencias tecnológicas;3306 Ingeniería y tecnología eléctrica;330609 Transmisión y distribución;61 Psicología;6109 Psicología industrial;610901 Prevención de accidentes
Fecha de publicación : 2016
Resumen : Electricity companies like Gas Natural Fenosa need to concern about safety and healthcare of employees more than others due to the fact that tasks done at field have a very strict danger, causing incidents and accidents that can be mortal. For this reason, the department of distribution has formed a group (Integrated Management System) responsible for the prevention and safety of all the workers in the company and contractors. Their job is checking and having a deep control and supervision of the activities that every worker does and the measures they are taking for these activities through a documented inspection. What the project consists of is taking part in this Integrated Management System group, tracing and analyzing the number of accidents and incidents that workers have every month, taking into account the conditions they are working at, the skills and the type of activity they have to do. It is an annual plan of the documented security inspections, where I have been checking the risk of both the kind of activity and the company (own company or contractor), resulting in the level of surveillance of doing the tasks. With this, I have done an analysis and statistic of all the accidents and incidents that have occurred in the three delegations that form Castilla: Castilla y León, Castilla-la Mancha North and South. With this project the company will make employees take the safety much more into consideration, preventing them and having a several control of every task is done.
Descripción : Master in the Electric Power Industry
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/11531/16434
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