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Título : Cellular photogrammetry in anthropometric measurements and its application to human movement
Autor : Brígido Fernández, Isabel
Pérez Mallada, Néstor
Sáenz Nuño, María Ana
Fecha de publicación :  1
Resumen : the possibility of using a smartphone [1] for antropometric measurements and its future application in gait analysis. The main specification of this research was to use quite affordable systems that any patient may have at home: his/her smartphone phone and a standard reference [2]. The first study has been developed with the typical Spanish doll called Nancy. Here we present the amazing results that open the door to a new telegait easy measurements and the proposals for its practical implementation. This will never substitute the precise systems available at many institutions, but it will provide a fast tool for quick evaluation of the evolution of a treatment. Research question: The problem in gait analysis is the use of very expensive systems that are built in specific buildings, where the patient is required to attend when the system is available and only if the injury is important enough to justify the cost. Sometimes, the patient lives far away and cannot afford the cost of the travelling, we are only interested on a routinary check to update the treatment or the injury does not fulfil the requirements for the prescription. To solve this problem, we propose a quantitative procedure to help the physiotherapist to discern if the exact evaluation of the gait movement is necessary and to predict in advance whether the treatment will be extended longer than initially established. Methods: The tools that have been used are quite common and are affordable by many of us. A smartphone, the Nancy doll, different color pushpin, a standard reference commonly used for the optical resolution cameras, different colors for the evaluation of the chromatic resolution of the system and a free software for length measurement in photos. Results: Almost 900 photos of the doll have been taken with different markers on the typical gait analysis position [3]. The distance between them has been measured and compared with standard calibrated measurements. We will present the results, on how this study reveals a powerful tool for future application in this pseudo photogrammetry method combined with domestic videos. Discussion: The economical savings are going to be huge, if the system is established widely. The tools used are easy, affordable by patients and it will contribute to the development of the tele-physiotherapy.
the possibility of using a smartphone [1] for antropometric measurements and its future application in gait analysis. The main specification of this research was to use quite affordable systems that any patient may have at home: his/her smartphone phone and a standard reference [2]. The first study has been developed with the typical Spanish doll called Nancy. Here we present the amazing results that open the door to a new telegait easy measurements and the proposals for its practical implementation. This will never substitute the precise systems available at many institutions, but it will provide a fast tool for quick evaluation of the evolution of a treatment. Research question: The problem in gait analysis is the use of very expensive systems that are built in specific buildings, where the patient is required to attend when the system is available and only if the injury is important enough to justify the cost. Sometimes, the patient lives far away and cannot afford the cost of the travelling, we are only interested on a routinary check to update the treatment or the injury does not fulfil the requirements for the prescription. To solve this problem, we propose a quantitative procedure to help the physiotherapist to discern if the exact evaluation of the gait movement is necessary and to predict in advance whether the treatment will be extended longer than initially established. Methods: The tools that have been used are quite common and are affordable by many of us. A smartphone, the Nancy doll, different color pushpin, a standard reference commonly used for the optical resolution cameras, different colors for the evaluation of the chromatic resolution of the system and a free software for length measurement in photos. Results: Almost 900 photos of the doll have been taken with different markers on the typical gait analysis position [3]. The distance between them has been measured and compared with standard calibrated measurements. We will present the results, on how this study reveals a powerful tool for future application in this pseudo photogrammetry method combined with domestic videos. Discussion: The economical savings are going to be huge, if the system is established widely. The tools used are easy, affordable by patients and it will contribute to the development of the tele-physiotherapy.
Descripción : Presentaciones orales presentadas como resumen
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/11531/16611
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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