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Título : Derechos y libertades y Estado de las Autonomías
Autor : Álvarez Vélez, María Isabel
Alcón Yustas, Fuencisla
Martínez García, Clara
Fecha de publicación :  1
Resumen : La descentralización del Estado Español, iniciada en el proceso constituyente supuso la implantación de un nuevo modelo territorial de Estado, a medio camino entre el Estado federal y el centralizado. La aprobación de los Estatutos se convirtió en el instrumento jurídico de creación de las Comunidades Autónomas y, en pocos años el primer mapa autonómico quedó concluido. A partir de 2006 con la aprobación de los nuevos Estatutos de Autonomía el problema competencial que se presenta es grave, pues las Comunidades Autónomas han asumido como competencias el desarrollo de los derechos denominados sociales y que suponen una proyección del Estado social que se propugna constitucionalmente. En el presente estudio se analiza la problemática acerca de la generalización de la inclusión de esos derechos en los Estatutos, pues podría ser cuestión discutible.
The decentralization of the Spanish State, initiated in the constituent process, implied the implantation of a new territorial model of State, halfway between the federal and centralized states. The approval of the Statutes became the legal instrument for the creation of the Autonomous Communities and, in a few years, the first regional map was concluded. As of 2006 with the approval of the new Statutes of Autonomy the problem of competency that is presented is serious, because the Autonomous Communities have assumed as competences the development of the rights denominated social and that suppose a projection of the social State that is proposed constitutionally. The present study analyzes the problematic about the generalization of the inclusion of these rights in the Statutes, because it could be questionable question. The decentralization of the Spanish State, initiated in the constituent process, implied the implantation of a new territorial model of State, halfway between the federal and centralized states. The approval of the Statutes became the legal instrument for the creation of the Autonomous Communities and, in a few years, the first regional map was concluded. As of 2006 with the approval of the new Statutes of Autonomy the problem of competency that is presented is serious, because the Autonomous Communities have assumed as competences the development of the rights denominated social and that suppose a projection of the social State that is proposed constitutionally. The present study analyzes the problematic about the generalization of the inclusion of these rights in the Statutes, because it could be questionable question.
Descripción : Artículos en revistas
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/11531/17817
ISSN : 0211-9560
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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