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dc.contributor.authorCadera, Susanne Margretes-ES
dc.descriptionCapítulos en libroses_ES
dc.description.abstractThis paper focuses on a very specific socio-historical context; retranslations in Spain in the 20th century. Due to the fact that there are multiple reasons why a text is retranslated, empirical studies should center on a specific culture in a specific period. Spain in the 20th century experienced important political, social and cultural changes which could have had an influence on translators, editors and their way of thinking and acting. In this study I will present some of the results of the research project Studies on Cultural and Textual Interaction: Retranslation (RETRADES), whose aims are, firstly, to localize different translations of a literary text, and second, to relate them to the socio-historical context in order to identify its possible influences and to find out the causes of the appearance of new translations.en-GB
dc.publisherPeter Lang (Frankfurt am Main, Alemania)es_ES
dc.sourceLibro: Translation Studies and Translation Practice: Proceedings of the 2nd International Translata conference. Part 2., Página inicial: 113, Página final: 123es_ES
dc.subject.otherEstudios de discursos y textos para la interpretación y traducción (INTRA)es_ES
dc.titleNeuübersetzungen in spezifischen soziohistorischen Kontexten: Spanien ab dem 20. Jahrhundertes_ES
dc.rights.holderRestricciones de la editoriales_ES
dc.keywordsRetraducción, Traducción literariaes-ES
dc.keywordsRetranslation, Literary Translationen-GB
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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