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dc.contributor.authorBallesteros García, Carloses-ES
dc.descriptionCapítulos en libroses_ES
dc.description.abstractSomos y nos reconocemos consumidores. No obstante hay muchas maneras de expresar esa identidad. El uso de las redes sociales, la crisis financiera, las tendencias como la economía colaborativa etc. modelan, influencian y son factores de cambio de las relaciones de las personas con el (los) mercado (s). Este capítulo recoge y revisa las dioferentes manifestaciones del Homo Consummens, en el sentido que Erich fromm le dio, al inicio de la segunda década del siglo XXI. Prosumidores, Presumidores, Crowdsumidores, Trysumidores son términos a analizar en un capítulo que termina con una llamada a la soberanía consumidora.es-ES
dc.description.abstractWe are all consumers and we understand and recognize each other as such. However, there are many facets of our identity as a consumer which, in recent times, have been arising and modeling this essence. The use of social networks, the financial crisis, the new trends as e.g. sharing economies, etcetera may be factors of change towards new ways of understanding the relationship of the people to the market. This article intends to produce an overview of the different types of consumers, according to their behaviors and trends that have been emerging at the beginning of the second decade of the 21st Century. Prosumer, Presumer, Crowdsumer, Trysumer, Knowcoster are some of the terms to be analyzed and defined in this chapter, which ends in a call for consumer sovereignty.en-GB
dc.publisherIGI Global (Hershey, Estados Unidos de América)es_ES
dc.rightsCreative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada Españaes_ES
dc.sourceLibro: Encyclopedia of Information, Science and Technoogy, Página inicial: 1638, Página final: 1645es_ES
dc.subject.otherEl Consumidor y su entornoes_ES
dc.titleTaxonomy for the Homo Consummens at the Era 3.0 (Chap. 142)es_ES
dc.keywordsConsumidor; redes sociales; prosumidor; soberanía consumidoraes-ES
dc.keywordsCOnsumer; social network, prosumer, consumer sovereignityen-GB
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