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dc.contributor.authorSáenz-Francés San Baldomero, Emilioes-ES
dc.descriptionArtículos en revistases_ES
dc.description.abstractEstudio de la embajada de hans Adolf von Moltke en España (1942-1943) y del momento crucial de la política exterior española durante la II Guerra Mundial en la que esta se desarrolló.es-ES
dc.description.abstractFrancoist foreign policy during World War II was complex and controversial. For his apologists, the Caudillo s providential wisdom recognized the dangers of an alliance with the Axis powers from the outset, and strove to keep Spain out of the war. For many historians, the objective of the regime s policy was to provide as much support to the Axis prior to Spanish entry into the war at the most opportune moment. In reality, while it is clearly the case that for much of the conflict s duration Franco favoured the Axis over the Western Allies, he adopted a cautious policy designed to preserve Spanish independence and freedom of action by avoiding binding commitments to Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. Above all, Franco was determined to ensure that the political families within the regime the Church, the Falange and the army would not be in a position to capitalize on the changing international situation to challenge his authority within Spain.en-GB
dc.sourceRevista: German History, Periodo: 3, Volumen: 31, Número: 1, Página inicial: 23, Página final: 41es_ES
dc.titleThe ambassadorship of Hans Adolf von Moltke (1943): the turning point in German-Spanish relations during the Second World Wares_ES
dc.keywordsHans Adolf von Moltke, Franquismo, Nazismo, Diplomacia, Segunda Guerra Mundiales-ES
dc.keywordsHans Adolf von Moltke, Francoism, Nazism, Diplomacy, World War IIen-GB
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