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Título : Illiquid Financial Markets and Monetary Policy
Autor : Suárez-Lledó Grande, José
Geromichalos, Athanasios
Licari, Juan
Resumen : 
This paper analyzes the role of money in asset markets characterized by search frictions. We develop a dynamic framework that brings together a model for illiquid financial assets `a la Duffie, G arleanu, and Pedersen, and a search-theoretic model of monetary exchange `a la Lagos and Wright. The presence of decentralized financial markets generates an essential role for money, which helps investors re-balance their portfolios. We provide conditions that guarantee the existence of a monetary equilibrium. In this case, asset prices are always above their fundamental value, and this differential represents a liquidity premium. We are able to derive an asset pricing theory that delivers an explicit connection between monetary policy, asset prices, and welfare. We obtain a negative relationship between inflation and equilibrium asset prices. This key result stems from the complementarity between money and assets in our framework
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/11531/25913
Aparece en las colecciones: Documentos de Trabajo

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