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dc.contributor.authorRodríguez Rey, Rocioes-ES
dc.contributor.authorAlonso Tapia, Jesúses-ES
dc.descriptionArtículos en revistases_ES
dc.description.abstractEste estudio explora los niveles de crecimiento postraumático en padres y madres 6 meses después del ingreso de su hijo en una unidad de cuidados intensivos pediátricos (UCIP), y qué variables evaluadas en el momento en que el niño fue dado de alta de la UCIP pueden contribuir a predecir dicho crecimiento.es-ES
dc.description.abstractResearch on parental psychological effects related to a child's critical illness has focused on studying negative outcomes, while the possibility of posttraumatic growth (PTG), defined as the perception of positive changes after a traumatic event, has been overlooked. This study explores the degree of parental PTG after a child's hospitalization in a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) and the role of resilience, emotions, perceived severity of the child's condition and stress in predicting PTG. In the first 48 h after their child's discharge from a PICU, N = 196 parents were assessed for resilience, emotions, perceived stress, and the degree to which they perceived their child's condition as severe. 6 months later N = 143 parents were assessed PTG. 6 months post discharge, 37.1% of parents reported PTG at least to a medium degree. Path analyses with latent variables showed that the psychological variables assessed at discharge predicted between 20 and 21% of the total variance in PTG. Resilience affected PTG indirectly, through the bias of positive emotions. PTG is a frequent phenomenon. Psychological interventions aimed at encouraging parental PTG after a child's critical admission should focus on boosting resilience and positive emotions.en-GB
dc.rightsCreative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada Españaes_ES
dc.sourceRevista: Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, Periodo: 12, Volumen: 26, Número: 3, Página inicial: 372, Página final: 381es_ES
dc.titlePredicting Posttraumatic Growth in Mothers and Fathers of Critically Ill Children: A Longitudinal Studyes_ES
dc.keywordsNiños críticamente enfermos, emociones parentales, estrés parental, padres, madres, Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos, Crecimiento postraumático, Resilienciaes-ES
dc.keywordsCritically ill children; Parent emotions; Parent stress; Parents; Pediatric intensive care unit; Posttraumatic growth; Resilienceen-GB
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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