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dc.contributor.authorVillanueva Pesqueira, Manueles-ES
dc.contributor.authorArrieta Algarra, José M.es-ES
dc.descriptionArtículos en revistases_ES
dc.description.abstractEn este trabajo analizamos el comportamiento de soluciones de ciertas ecuaciones diferenciales elípticas y parabólicas definidas en dominios finos de cualquier dimensión con oscilaciones en la frontera superior e inferior.es-ES
dc.description.abstractIn this work we consider higher dimensional thin domains with the property that both boundaries, bottom and top, present oscillations of weak type. We consider the Laplace operator with Neumann boundary conditions and analyze the behavior of the solutions as the thin domain shrinks to a fixed domain. We obtain the convergence of the resolvent of the elliptic operators in the sense of compact convergence of operators, which in particular implies the convergence of the spectra. This convergence of the resolvent operators will allow us to conclude the global dynamics, in terms of the global attractors of a reaction diffusion equation in the thin domains. In particular, we show the upper semicontinuity of the attractors and stationary states. An important case treated is the case of a quasiperiodic situation, where the bottom and top oscillations are periodic but with period rationally independent.en-GB
dc.sourceRevista: Communications On Pure and Applied Analysis, Periodo: 2, Volumen: 19, Número: 4, Página inicial: 1891, Página final: 1914es_ES
dc.subject.otherDinámica No Lineales_ES
dc.titleElliptic and parabolic problems in thin domains with doubly weak oscillatory boundaryes_ES
dc.rights.holderDerechos de la revista que lo publica.es_ES
dc.keywordsDominios fino, frontera oscilante, convergencia compacta, atractores, oscilaciones quasiperiódicas.es-ES
dc.keywordsThin domain, oscillatory boundary, compact convergence, attractors, quasiperiodic oscillations.en-GB
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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