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Título : A medium-term integrated risk management model for a hydrothermal generation company
Autor : Cabero Borrós, Jordi
Baillo Moreno, Alvaro
Cerisola Lopez De Haro, Santiago
Ventosa Rodríguez, Mariano
García Alcalde, Antonio
Perán Montero, Fernando Luis
Relaño Cobián, Gregorio
Fecha de publicación : 1-ago-2005
Resumen : 
This paper presents a methodology to manage the market risk faced by a hydrothermal generation company in the medium-term (one year). This risk is due to uncertainty in fuel prices, power demand, water inflows, and electricity prices. The proposed methodology includes three steps: the generation of scenarios for these random parameters, the approximation of these scenarios by a multivariate scenario tree, and the optimization of the company’s operational and financial hedging decisions under a stochastic programming framework. The optimization model permits the representation of a diversified generation portfolio and measures risk exposure by means of conditional value-at-risk. A realistic numerical example is solved to illustrate the possibilities of our approach.
Descripción : Artículos en revistas
URI : https:doi.org10.1109TPWRS.2005.851934
ISSN : 0885-8950
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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