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Título : The process of industrial bioethanol production explained by self-organised maps
Autor : Sanz Bobi, Miguel Ángel
Ruiz Castelló, Pablo
Montes Ponce de León, Julio
Fecha de publicación : 8-nov-2012
Editorial : Sin editorial (Coimbra, Portugal)
Resumen : 
Bioethanol is produced on an industrial scale by means of fermentation of a sugar substrate by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Models for the detection of anomalies and their possible evolution are difficult to elaborate due to the biological nature of the fermentation process. This paper describes a method able to characterize patterns for explaining industrial bioethanol production using self-organised maps. Also, this method allows for an estimation of the probabilities of evolution to any pattern that the process may have from its last recognized state, therefore helping to take measures to correct a possible problem as soon as possible.
Descripción : Capítulos en libros
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/11531/5547
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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