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Título : Impact of the Interruptions of Long and Short Duration in the Value of the Pst Indicator
Autor : Delgadillo Vega, Andrés Ramiro
Buitrago, Leidy
Pavas Martínez, Andrés
Urrutia Ramos, Diego Felipe
Cajamarca, Guillermo
Gallego Vega, Luis Eduardo
Torres-Sánchez, Horacio
Fecha de publicación : 18-jun-2006
Editorial : Sin editorial (Montréal, Canadá)
Resumen : 
This paper presents a comparative analysis between the voltage interruption effects (higher and shorter than one minute) in the value of Pst indicator given by the flicker meter instrument. The Colombian regulator has proposed a modification in the flickermeter to disregard the interruption effects, in this paper an analysis related to this topic is presented. In order to simulate the effect of voltage interruptions, a model of the flicker meter has been developed in Matlab according to the IEC 61000-4-15 standard. Random quantities of interruptions with random duration have been simulated in fixed time intervals to study their impact in Pst value.
Descripción : Capítulos en libros
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/11531/5658
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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