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dc.contributor.authorLobato Miguélez, Enriquees-ES
dc.contributor.authorRouco Rodríguez, Luises-ES
dc.contributor.authorGómez San Román, Tomáses-ES
dc.contributor.authorEchavarren Cerezo, Franciscoes-ES
dc.contributor.authorNavarrete Fernández, María Luisaes-ES
dc.contributor.authorCasanova Lafarga, Rosaes-ES
dc.contributor.authorLópez Camino, Gerardoes-ES
dc.descriptionCapítulos en libroses_ES
dc.description.abstractVoltage constraints in the Spanish electricity market are solved connecting a set of off-line generators. The start up cost internalized in the fixed income term of the generator bid plays a key role in the solution of voltage constraints since the coupled solution of voltage constraints for the 24 hourly scenarios is different from the individual solution of each hourly scenario. This paper presents an optimization approach to obtain the coupled solution of the daily voltage constraints in the Spanish electricity market. The input data of the problem consists of the individual solutions for each hourly scenario and the bus voltage sensitivities with respect to active and reactive injection of non-connected units. The system cost reduction of the proposed approach is illustrated using an actual example of the Spanish electricity market.en-GB
dc.publisherSin editorial (Sevilla, España)es_ES
dc.sourceLibro: 14th Power systems computation conference Session 43-4, pp. 1-8 - PSCC'02 , Página inicial: , Página final:es_ES
dc.subject.otherInstituto de Investigación Tecnológica (IIT)es_ES
dc.titleSolution of daily voltage constraints in the Spanish Electricity Marketes_ES
dc.keywordspower system dispatch, security assessment, congestion management.en-GB
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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