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Título : Teacher well-being: personal and job resources and demands
Autor : Bermejo Toro, Laura
Hernández Franco, Vicente
Prieto Ursúa, María
Fecha de publicación :  19
Resumen : This study aims to analyze the impact of work demands, personal resources and job resources on teacher well-being. Variables were measured with self-reports of Tension, Secondary appraisal of stressful situations (demands), Cognitive and Behavioral Coping (personal resources), Autonomy, Feedback, Variety and Social Support (job resources), Burnout and Engagement (wellbeing). The empirical study was carried out by structural equation modeling. The independent variables (work demands and resources) showed different significant effects on burnout and engagement. Implications for interventions on teacher well-being are discussed.
Descripción : Artículos en revistas
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/11531/6146
ISSN : 1877-0428
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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Bermejo, Hernández y Prieto (2013). Teacher well-being. Personal and job resources and demands.pdf871,43 kBAdobe PDFVista previa

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