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Título : Nobody Should Die Alone. Loneliness and a Dignified Death During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Autor : Hernández Fernández, José Carlos
Meneses Falcón, María Carmen
Fecha de publicación :  30
Resumen : Durante los meses más críticos de la pandemia de la COVID-19 miles de personas murieron en soledad. Este estudio analiza si estas muertes, sin la compañía de los seres queridos, pueden considerarse o no muertes dignas o good death. Se ha realizado una investigación con enfoque cualitativo, fenomenológico e inter pretativo mediante 49 entrevistas en profundidad a profesionales y familiares, realizando posteriormente un análisis cualitativo, interpretativo y categórico. Entre los resultados principales destacan que durante estos meses críticos los fallecimientos carecieron de la dignidad deseada, a pesar de que los profesionales hicieron lo posible por acompañar y dignificar los fallecimientos.
During the direst months of the COVID-19 pandemic, thousands of people died alone. This study analyzes these deaths, which occurred without the presence of loved ones, and seeks to a) examine the significance for relatives, as well as pro fessionals, of dying alone, b) determine if these solitary deaths can be considered dignified, or good deaths, and c) evaluate if the treatment of the cadavers and the funeral rites transpired with the desired dignity and sensitivity. The study was carried out in the autonomous community of Madrid using a qualitative, phenomenological, and interpretative approach through in-depth interviews of 49 informants, profes sionals and relatives. Interviews were conducted between July and November of 2020, followed by an interpretive, categorical, qualitative analysis. Among the key findings are that during the most critical months, deaths lacked the desired dignity, even though the involved professionals did their best to accompany and dignify the deaths
Descripción : Artículos en revistas
URI : https://doi.org/10.1177/00302228211048316
ISSN : 0030-2228
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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