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dc.contributor.advisorEstrada Villaseñor, Cecilia
dc.contributor.authorBullock, Ruhiyyih
dc.contributor.otherUniversidad Pontificia Comillas, Instituto Universitario de Estudios sobre Migracioneses_ES
dc.descriptionMáster Universitario en Migraciones Internacionaleses_ES
dc.description.abstractFor the many Central Americans who decide to migrate north, the journey into and across Mexico is one of danger and hope. There are many reasons why they decide to leave, including violence, poverty, and the promise of a better future. On the journey they must contend with thieves, gangs, security forces, and usually with little or no resources. There is not much help being provided by the Mexican government so NGOs step in to fill this need and help migrants with basic supplies such as food, water, clothes, and hygiene supplies. Even before COVID-19, the situation was too big for the NGOs to handle alone. For months I worked in an organization helping the migrants passing through western Mexico and interviewed integration specialists and migrants about the journey and resources available. This work will attempt to dissect what needs are not being met by the NGOs and give recommendations on what more the Mexican government could do to help the non-governmental agencies that are shouldering the burden themselves.es_ES
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
dc.subject52 Demografíaes_ES
dc.subject5203 Demografía urbanaes_ES
dc.subject520302 Movilidad y migraciones internacionaleses_ES
dc.titleFrom Central America to The United States : Northward Through Mexico – The Dangers and Help Along the Wayes_ES
dc.keywordsMigration, Mexico, La Bestia, FM4, Integrationes_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: MMIC -Trabajos Fin de Máster

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