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Título : Referência especial à delimitaçâo de risco em responsabilidade civil e seguro de açâo direta
Autor : Veiga Copo, Abel Benito
Fecha de publicación : 6-jun-2022
Resumen : Se busca investigar el riesgo del responsable, no al tercero, aunque por el camino este se vea resarcido cual si de un seguro de accidentes a favor de las víctimas se tratare. Si el daño lo causa un tercero, tampoco podrá el asegurado reclamar de su propia compañía de seguro s en base a su seguro de responsabilidad civil, sino será en la aseguradora del tercero, o en su caso, en otros seguros que tenga concertados, como sería uno de accidentes o de daños a las cosas. Como bi en se ha señalado, el problema surge en aquellos ámbi tos en los que muchas veces no está claro si el daño causado por el asegurado proviene de un incumplimiento contractual o se trata de un daño extracontractual, y en los que la póliza se limita simplement e a expresar el ámbito de cobertura , pero sin deslind ar el alcance de la misma
The aim is to investigate the risk of the the responsible party, not the third party, even if on the way the third party is compensated as if it were an accident insurance for the victims. insurance in favour of the victims. If the damage is caused by a third party, neither can the the insured person cannot claim from his own insurance company either. insurance company s on the basis of his own liability insurance, but liability insurance, but will be in the insurer of the third party or, where other insurances he has taken out, such as accident or property damage insurance. damage to property. As bi s has been pointed out, the problem arises in those areas where arises in those areas where in those areas where it is often it is often not clear whether the damage caused by the insured comes from a breach contractual or non-contractual damage, and where the policy is limited simply to the e to express the scope of cover , but without delimiting ar the scope of coverage, but without defining the scope of coverage
Descripción : Artículos en revistas
URI : https://doi .org/10.37963/iberc.v 5 i2. 2
ISSN : 2595-976X
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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