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dc.contributor.authorParaskevopoulos, Ioannises-ES
dc.contributor.authorIbañez Rodríguez, Alfredoes-ES
dc.descriptionArtículos en revistases_ES
dc.description.abstractEl valor de las opciones americanas están condicionadas en la estrategia de ejercicio. En este trabajo ofrecemos el coste de ejercitar pronto. Es semi analytico y basado en la sensibilidad Gamma de la opción Americana.es-ES
dc.description.abstractThe value of American options depends on the exercise policy followed by option holders. Market frictions, risk aversion, or a misspecified model, for example, can result in suboptimal behavior. We study the sensitivity of American options to suboptimal exercise strategies. We show that this measure is given by the Gamma of the American option at the optimal exercise boundary. More precisely, “if B is the optimal exercise price, but exercise is either brought forward when or delayed until a price B̃ has been reached, the cost of suboptimal exercise is given by ½ × Γ(B) × (B − B̃)2, where Γ(B) denotes the American option Gamma.” Therefore, the cost of suboptimal exercise is second-order in the bias of the exercise policy and depends on Gamma. This result provides new insights on American options.en-GB
dc.sourceRevista: Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Periodo: 1, Volumen: 45, Número: 6, Página inicial: 1563, Página final: 1590es_ES
dc.titleThe Sensitivity of American Options to Suboptimal Exercise Strategieses_ES
dc.rights.holderEl artículo está aceptado con fecha de publicación 21/09/2010es_ES
dc.keywordsopciones americana y politicas no necesariamente optimases-ES
dc.keywordsAmerican options, exercising boundary, early exercise, optimal policy , risk aversion , suboptimal exercisingen-GB
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