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Título : Numerical simulation of wear-mechanism maps
Autor : Cantizano González, Alexis
Carnicero López, Alberto
Zavarise, G.
Fecha de publicación : 1-sep-2002
Resumen : 
Wear-mechanisms maps for different materials, actually steel on steel, are being modeled with FEM. A mico-thermo-mechanical approach has been used in order to model accurately the macroscopic phenomena of wear. A plastic law for the normal micromechanical contact of asperities has been implemented in FEAP and a slight modification, based on experimental results, is proposed. For the three mechanisms modeled, good correlation between the numerical results of wear and those found in literature has been obtained for a pin-on-disk configuration. The flash temperatures reached in the contact interface have been also studied and fair good agreement with literature is achieved.
Descripción : Artículos en revistas
URI : https:doi.org10.1016S0927-0256(02)00249-5
ISSN : 0927-0256
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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