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Título : Call to Action for Promoting Exercise Is Medicine in Pregnancy—Collaboration Is Key
Autor : Sánchez Polán, Miguel
Nagpal, Taniya S.
Barakat, Rubén
Fecha de publicación : 13-ene-2023
Resumen : .
Despite the well-known benefits of physical activity during pregnancy, overall adherence to international recommendations of a 150-minutes of moderate intensity activity per week remains low around the world. Several studies have explored facilitators to physical activity adherence and have identified population level strategies such as availability of affordable community-based supervised exercise programs, increasing educational opportunities for pregnant individuals to learn about safe physical activity options and social support to be active. Problematically though, the translation of both the benefits of physical activity during pregnancy and opportunities to be active may not be reaching the pregnant person. In order to close this knowledge gap, this commentary suggests the need to promote a collaborative and integrative approach to prenatal physical activity promotion, counselling and prescription. In line with the ‘Exercise is Medicine’ approach, we recommend that prenatal physical activity should be integrated into primary prenatal care. Specifically, maternal healthcare providers should be equipped with the knowledge to prescribe and refer pregnant patients to physical activity. Therefore, a collaborative approach is required between maternal healthcare providers, and exercise professionals and researchers.
Descripción : Artículos en revistas
URI : 10.1249/TJX.0000000000000222
ISSN : 2379-2868
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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