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dc.contributor.authorAwad Parada, Tamares-ES
dc.contributor.authorGuardiola Arnanz, Jesúses-ES
dc.contributor.authorJiménez Calzado, Marianoes-ES
dc.contributor.authorGonzález-Lezcano, Roberto Alonsoes-ES
dc.descriptionCapítulos en libroses_ES
dc.description.abstractSince the 1960s, a more rational and modern construction has been sought in line with industrialisation. In addition, due to the shortage of housing, professionals in the construction sector have been looking for solutions. The industrialisation of construction was first attempted after the Second World War through prefabrication. Today, it is moving towards more open concepts, making the industrial development of its products compatible with a construction that is still archaic and in need of updating. On the other hand, architects have reviewed the programmes and needs of users and citizens, in housing, workplaces, commerce, leisure and cities, and have proposed more contemporary solutions, with greater flexibility. Sustainability can be seen in a techno-biological environment, where artificial activity is integrated with the life and resources of the environment, in a new balanced ecological system. The methodology implemented is based on systems theory, according to tools specifically developed in construction, for proposals and designs around the industrialisation of housing.en-GB
dc.publisherIGI Global (Hershey, Estados Unidos de América)es_ES
dc.sourceLibro: Intersecting Health, Livability, and Human Behavior in Urban Environments, Página inicial: 163, Página final: 184es_ES
dc.titleSustainability in Construction, Housing, and the Cityes_ES
dc.rights.holderLa editorial no permite el depósito en abiertoes_ES
dc.keywordsIndustrialisation Prefabrication Sustainability Architects Systems theoryen-GB
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