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dc.contributor.authorSáenz-Francés San Baldomero, Emilioes-ES
dc.contributor.authorSáenz Rotko, José Manueles-ES
dc.descriptionCapítulos en libroses_ES
dc.description.abstractThe chapter provides a comparative analysis of how Spanish and foreign diplomats and representatives present in Madrid during the war shaped – and to a large extent reified – the way post-war generations understood wartime Spanish foreign policy. It uses a wide range of sources but focuses on the memoirs, both published and unpublished, of Samuel Hoare, Carlton Hayes, and Willard Beaulac. Studied in this comparative perspective, the chapter, which offers fresh insight into the events, policies, and personalities of the time, is an invitation for all scholars interested in the field to revisit early sources with a more critical gaze to further our understanding of the legacy of Francoism and of Spanish foreign policy during the war.en-GB
dc.publisherRoutledge (Londres, Reino Unido)es_ES
dc.sourceLibro: Memories of the Second World War in Neutral Europe, 1945–2023, Página inicial: 115, Página final: 126es_ES
dc.subject.otherClio: España en las relaciones internacionales. Historia, ideas, imágenes, acción políticaes_ES
dc.titleDiplomats in the fray The struggle to establish the legacy of Spanish foreign policy during the Second World Wares_ES
dc.rights.holderno permite oaes_ES
dc.keywordsComparative Analysis Diplomats in Madrid Memoirs of Samuel Hoare, Carlton Hayes, and Willard Beaulac Legacy of Francoismen-GB
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