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Título : El Estado social de Derecho en una nueva constitución para Chile; experiencia europea hacia la Justicia Social
Autor : Enciso Santocildes, Marta
Gómez Urquijo, Laura
Arriola Echaniz, Naiara
Mugarra Elorriaga, Aitziber
Fecha de publicación : 23-abr-2023
Resumen : El Estado social es un tipo histórico de Estado que ha profundizado y ampliado la vertiente social de los Estados liberales, y su eficacia y profundidad dependen de la regulación constitucional y los valores y principios de la estrategia económica. Así, desde la crisis financiera de 2008, la UE ha intensificado la presencia y relevancia de los objetivos sociales en su estrategia económica, presentándolos como necesarios para el éxito económico y político del proyecto europeo. Entre las lecciones aprendidas destaca el cambio de paradigma fiscal y la movilización de instrumentos para corregir las desigualdades, aunque se necesita una mayor coordinación de los Estados miembros. En este sentido, se propone el refuerzo de la gobernanza social y la implementación del Pilar Europeo de Derechos Sociales y la reforma del Semestre Europeo. A la hora de medir, en los últimos 30 años se han creado índices para medir el bienestar, el desarrollo humano, la felicidad y la calidad de vida de las personas, y se ha propuesto una medición de la justicia social en base a la prevención de la pobreza, el acceso a la educación y al mercado laboral, la inclusión social y no discriminación, la salud y la justicia intergeneracional. Chile se incorporó a esta medición en 2019 y tiene margen de mejora en algunas dimensiones. Estos datos pueden ayudar a sustentar una legislación adecuada y una buena acción de gobierno, ante una futura reforma constitucional en el país.
The welfare state is a historical type of state that has deepened and expanded the social dimension of liberal states, and its effectiveness and depth depend on constitutional regulation and the values and principles of economic strategy. Thus, since the financial crisis of 2008, the EU has intensified the presence and relevance of social objectives in its economic strategy, presenting them as necessary for the economic and political success of the European project. Among the lessons learned, the shift in fiscal paradigm and the mobilization of instruments to correct inequalities stand out, although greater coordination among member states is needed. In this sense, strengthening social governance and implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights and reforming the European Semester are proposed. In terms of measurement, indices have been created in the last 30 years to measure the well-being, human development, happiness, and quality of life of people, and a measurement of social justice has been proposed based on poverty prevention, access to education and the labor market, social inclusion and non-discrimination, health, and intergenerational justice. Chile joined this measurement in 2019 and has room for improvement in some dimensions. This data can help support appropriate legislation and good governance in anticipation of a future constitutional reform in the country. The welfare state is a historical type of state that has deepened and expanded the social dimension of liberal states, and its effectiveness and depth depend on constitutional regulation and the values and principles of economic strategy. Thus, since the financial crisis of 2008, the EU has intensified the presence and relevance of social objectives in its economic strategy, presenting them as necessary for the economic and political success of the European project. Among the lessons learned, the shift in fiscal paradigm and the mobilization of instruments to correct inequalities stand out, although greater coordination among member states is needed. In this sense, strengthening social governance and implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights and reforming the European Semester are proposed. In terms of measurement, indices have been created in the last 30 years to measure the well-being, human development, happiness, and quality of life of people, and a measurement of social justice has been proposed based on poverty prevention, access to education and the labor market, social inclusion and non-discrimination, health, and intergenerational justice. Chile joined this measurement in 2019 and has room for improvement in some dimensions. This data can help support appropriate legislation and good governance in anticipation of a future constitutional reform in the country.
Descripción : Artículos en revistas
URI : https://doi.org/10.1344/REYD2023.27.42486
ISSN : 2013-584X
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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