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dc.contributor.authorForcadell Martínez, Francisco Javieres-ES
dc.contributor.authorAracil Fernández, Elisa Maríaes-ES
dc.descriptionCapítulos en libroses_ES
dc.description.abstractExtreme events undermine progress toward social sustainability and require an immediate response from the private sector. The authors propose a twodimensional framework (response time and the scope of activities to the various stakeholders) to benchmark firms’ effectiveness in mitigating the threats to social sustainability post-disaster. This framework allows establishing a taxonomy of corporate emergency responses. Within such a framework, the authors group 218 corporate actions from 111 companies operating in Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic into four corporate relief strategies: symbolic, selective, reactive, and supportive. The authors show how companies can use this framework as a guide to foster social sustainability in times of shock in an efficient way. Also, stakeholders can use this framework as a reference to distinguish corporate initiatives aiming to propel community resilience from corporate “covidwashing.”es-ES
dc.description.abstractExtreme events undermine progress toward social sustainability and require an immediate response from the private sector. The authors propose a twodimensional framework (response time and the scope of activities to the various stakeholders) to benchmark firms’ effectiveness in mitigating the threats to social sustainability post-disaster. This framework allows establishing a taxonomy of corporate emergency responses. Within such a framework, the authors group 218 corporate actions from 111 companies operating in Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic into four corporate relief strategies: symbolic, selective, reactive, and supportive. The authors show how companies can use this framework as a guide to foster social sustainability in times of shock in an efficient way. Also, stakeholders can use this framework as a reference to distinguish corporate initiatives aiming to propel community resilience from corporate “covidwashing.”en-GB
dc.publisherEmerald Group Publishing Ltd. (Bingley, Reino Unido)es_ES
dc.sourceLibro: International business in times of crisis, Página inicial: 475, Página final: 490es_ES
dc.subject.otherInstituto de Investigación Tecnológica (IIT)es_ES
dc.titleA taxonomy of corporate emergency responsibility to ensure social sustainability post-shockes_ES
dc.keywordsSocial sustainability; emergency relief; COVID-19; stakeholder orientation; partnerships; corporate responsibilityes-ES
dc.keywordsSocial sustainability; emergency relief; COVID-19; stakeholder orientation; partnerships; corporate responsibilityen-GB
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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