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Título : Industrial Soil Remediation Policy and Regulation in the European Union
Autor : Espinoza-Tofalos, Anna
de Miguel Perales, Carlos Bernabé
Fecha de publicación : 10-feb-2024
Editorial : Springer Cham (Berlin, Alemania)
Resumen : .
In this chapter, the complex landscape of industrial soil remediation policy and regulation within the European Union is explored. Furthermore, the chapter elucidates the role of these policies and regulations in advancing sustainable land use, safeguarding human health, and fostering environmental conservation. The first section of this chapter addresses soil policies in the European Union. An examination of historical policies related to polluted sites will be addressed, with the aim of gaining an understanding of the present-day and latest policies pertaining to soil protection. In Part 2 relevant pieces of EU legislation concerning soil protection are discussed, namely the Directive on Environmental Liability, and the Directive on Industrial Emissions (both of them, in relation to soil pollution prevention and soil pollution remediation), and the Directive on Environmental Impact Assessment (in relation to soil pollution prevention). Part 3 covers the economic aspects of industrial soil remediation in the EU, where Member States aim to cut costs related to soil pollution while safeguarding public health, water quality, and fostering business confidence in sustainable land regeneration and soil use.
Descripción : Capítulos en libros
URI : https://doi.org/10.1007/698_2023_1069
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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