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Resultados 55891-55900 de 57812.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Multimode power oscillation damping controller synthesis using vector fittingJankovic, Njegos; Roldan Perez, Javier; Prodanovic, Milan; D'Arco, Salvatore; Suul, Jon Are; Rouco Rodríguez, Luis
-Dataset para el análisis de eventos maliciosos en sistemas windows basados en la matriz de mitrePérez Sánchez, Antonio; Palacios Hielscher, Rafael; López López, Gregorio
-Enhancing RES grid connection via dynamic hosting capacity and hybridizationHerding, Leslie; Cossent Arín, Rafael; Rivier Abbad, Michel Luis
-Threat models for vulnerability analysis of IoT devices for manipulation of demand attacksFont García, José Antonio; Jarauta Gastelu, Javier; Gesteira Miñarro, Roberto; Palacios Hielscher, Rafael; López López, Gregorio
-Power flow algorithm using a second-order differentation approachEchavarren Cerezo, Francisco; Rouco Rodríguez, Luis; Benítez Domínguez, Álvaro; Sigrist, Lukas
-Design and comparison of UFLS schemes of isolated power systems based on frequency stability marginVadillo Díaz de Aguilar, Mónica; Sigrist, Lukas; Rudez, Urban
-Analytical frequency-constrained UC for island power systemsRouco Ferriz, Almudena; Rajabdorri, Mohammad; Lobato Miguélez, Enrique; Sigrist, Lukas
-A flexible methodology to obtain a feasible thermal operation in the medium-term for multi-area power systemsMontero Guirao, Luis Manuel; Bello Morales, Antonio; Reneses Guillén, Javier
-Optimal discretization of net head dependency in heterogeneous multi-reservoir hydroelectric systemsCandela Ripoll, Ignacio; de Otaola Arca, Pedro; García González, Javier; Rivero Honegger, Carlos; Mariño Lizuain, Fernando Eduardo
-Modeling and analysis of electricity consumption in Spanish vulnerable householdsBarrella, Roberto; Cosín López-Medel, Álvaro; Arenas Pinilla, Eva María; Linares Hurtado, José Ignacio; Romero Mora, José Carlos; Centeno Hernáez, Efraim

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