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Resultados 58291-58300 de 58467.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Optimal energy and reserve scheduling of pumped-storage power plants considering hydraulic short-circuit operationChazarra Jover, Manuel; Pérez-Díaz, Juan I.; García González, Javier
-Economic impact of forecasting errors in residual reserve curves in the day-ahead scheduling of pumped storage plantsChazarra Jover, Manuel; Pérez-Díaz, Juan I.; García González, Javier; Helseth, Arild
-Short-term forecasting of electricity prices with a computationally efficient hybrid approachMarcos Peirotén, Rodrigo Alejandro de; Bello Morales, Antonio; Reneses Guillén, Javier
-Endogenous secondary reserves requirements in long-term electricity generation modelsCampos Fernández, Francisco Alberto; Doménech Martínez, Salvador; Villar Collado, José
-Regulatory matters affecting distribution planning with distributed generationÁlvarez Pérez, Manuel Alejandro; Rönnberg, Sarah K.; Bollen, Math H. J.; Cossent Arín, Rafael; Zhong, Jin
-Hardware-in-the-loop co-simulation of distribution grid for demand responseRotger-Griful, Sergi; Chatzivasileiadis, Spyros; Jacobsen, Rune Hylsberg; Stewart, Emma M.; Matanza Domingo, Javier; Wetter, Michael
-Incentivizig consumer response through cost-reflective distribution network chargesAbdelmotteleb, Ibtihal; Gómez San Román, Tomás; Chaves Ávila, José Pablo; Reneses Guillén, Javier
-The economic impact of demand response on distribution network planningDomínguez de Pablo, Jaime; Chaves Ávila, José Pablo; Gómez San Román, Tomás; Mateo Domingo, Carlos
-Mind the gap: challenges and policy options for cross-border transmission network investmentsHuang, Diyun; de Vos, Kristof; Van Hertem, Dirk; Olmos Camacho, Luis; Rivier Abbad, Michel Luis; Van der Welle, Adriaan; Sijm, Jos
-Distribution network cost allocation using a locational and temporal cost reflective methodologyAbdelmotteleb, Ibtihal; Gómez San Román, Tomás; Reneses Guillén, Javier

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