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dc.contributor.advisorColino Fernández, Albertoes-ES
dc.contributor.authorCámara Gracia, Enrique Rogelio de laes-ES
dc.contributor.otherUniversidad Pontificia Comillas,es_ES
dc.descriptionGrado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas (E-2)es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa plétora de teorías económicas de desarrollo tradicionales sufren serias limitaciones para generar el desarrollo que prometen. El propósito de este esfuerzo académico será examinar dichas limitaciones, ofreciendo una metodología alternativa de desarrollo económico que esté libre de dichos percancees-ES
dc.description.abstractWhen Adam Smith wrote the wealth of nations (1776), the richest country on the planet (probably the Netherlands) was about four times as rich as the poorest (probably Ethiopia) (Hausmann 2005). Nowadays, the richest country, Liechtenstein is no less than to two-hundred times richer than the poorest, the Central African Republic (World Bank 2018). It is very clear that something in the way we deal with economic development is very wrong. In the following academic effort, we will explore the limitations of the established theories and paradigms in the discipline, and propose an alternative approach to economic development, one capable of restoring the discipline’s power to explain and generate the wealth of nations in the 21st Century. To accomplish that goal, we will start our journey from the diagnostic approach to development, which we will try to enhance by adding analytical tools that crystallise the latest discoveries from the most innovative research efforts to the existing diagnostic model: the Hausmann, Rodrik and Velasco’s model (2005).en-GB
dc.subject53 Ciencias económicases_ES
dc.subject5307 Teoría económicaes_ES
dc.subject530704 Estudios de desarrollo económicoes_ES
dc.titleUna investigación sobre la naturaleza y las causas de la riqueza de las naciones para el siglo XXIes_ES
dc.keywordsDesarrollo económico, Diagnóstico económico, Nuevas perspectivas económicas, Complejidad económica, Porter, Hausmann,
dc.keywordsEconomic development, Diagnostic, New economic perspectives, Economic complexity, Clusters, entrepreneurial state, Porter, Hausmann, Mazzucato.en-GB

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