Project finance : financing of a photovoltaic plant of 750 Kw
This project intends to study the ways of financing a Project Finance based on a photovoltaic
plant making use of solar energy. On the one hand, the PF is based on the project's ability to
generate positive cash flows and on obtaining a profitability for shareholders. Thus, the cash
flows generated by the project must be sufficient to cover operating expenses and to repay the
principal and interest of the debt incurred. On the other hand, the solar energy is in a moment
in which the renewable energies begin to take off and need an economic boost based in a
positive viability of the projects. And because of this, together, it becomes into an interesting
project that can help in the future, in order to encourage projects based on renewable energies.
Trabajo Fin de Máster
Project finance : financing of a photovoltaic plant of 750 KwTitulación / Programa
Máster Universitario en FinanzasMaterias/ UNESCO
53 Ciencias económicas5312 Economía sectorial
531205 Energía
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