The trend of copper price in 2019
Copper has always been one of the most important metals for the use of urbanization and
industrialization. Globally, the market for copper is one of the largest of all metals behind
iron and aluminum. Looking back into the history, copper price has been through
fluctuations, booms and crashes. Entering 2019, lights shed on commodity market again.
How copper price is going to behave in the short term? What are the variables that are
affecting the copper price behave in the long term? This essay is trying to find the variables
that are affecting copper price trend in the long term forecast the copper price trend in the
short term. For the long term analysis, analyzing firstly through demand and supply
methodology of analyzing new demand and remaining supply is the basic methodology.
The demand side would be focused on for analyzing different influencing factors more than
the supply side. For the short term forecast, the technical analysis would be employed.
After this reading this thesis, an idea of the copper price trend in the short term and defining
the variables that are affecting the copper price in the long term would be possible.
Trabajo Fin de Máster
The trend of copper price in 2019Titulación / Programa
Máster Universitario en FinanzasMaterias/ UNESCO
53 Ciencias económicas5312 Economía sectorial
531211 Comercio
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