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Título : Analysis of the European Tourism Sector on the knowledge society from an economic and financial perspective
Autor : de los Ríos Sastre, Susana
González Sánchez, Víctor M.
Fecha de publicación :  30
Editorial : INBAM (Valencia, España)
Resumen : --
Tourism is one of the economic sectors that can better improve the recovery and economic development in places that need encouragements to face and recover from the current crisis. On the other side, the innovation and the knowledge society development could make a positive influence over the beneficial effects of the tourist sector, mainly through the growth of the economic activity and the capacity to generate employment (directly or indirectly). Although, the usefulness of these positive effects depends, normally, on the available previous infrastructure of tourist businesses or knowledge access network, as well as financial resources. This paper analyses the recent evolution and the current situation of key performance indicators of the tourism sector in relation to the knowledge society, economy and finance in the European Union.
Descripción : Capítulos en libros
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/11531/34893
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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