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Título : Welfare-maximizing transmission capacity expansion under uncertainty
Autor : Wogrin, Sonja
Tejada Arango, Diego Alejandro
Downward, Anthony
Philpott, Andy
Fecha de publicación : 26-jul-2021
Resumen : 
We apply the JuDGE optimization package to a multistage stochastic leader–follower model that determines a transmission capacity expansion plan to maximize expected social welfare of consumers and producers who act as Cournot oligopolists in each time period. The problem is formulated as a large-scale mixed integer programme and applied to a 5-bus instance over scenario trees of varying size. The computational effort required by JuDGE is compared with solving the deterministic equivalent mixed integer programme using a state-of-the-art integer programming package.
Descripción : Artículos en revistas
URI : https:doi.org10.1098rsta.2019.0436
ISSN : 1364-503X
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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