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Título : Fable and Round of the Three Cities: Lorca’s Divergent Visions of New York
Autor : Walsh, Andrew Samuel
Fecha de publicación : 20-dic-2023
Resumen : .
This article analyses Lorca’s different representations of New York from three different perspectives. It first compares and contrasts the version of his experiences in New York that he presents to his family and friends in his letters, the notoriously apocalyptic vision projected in the verses of Poeta en Nueva York and the stylized representation of his American experience that he portrayed in his conference-recital. A close reading of all three parallel texts reveals quite significant differences between them in terms of the way Lorca presents both himself and the city.
Descripción : Artículos en revistas
URI : https://doi.org/10.1080/14753820.2023.2274161
ISSN : 1475-3820
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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