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Título : A taxonomy of corporate emergency responsibility to ensure social sustainability post-shock
Autor : Forcadell Martínez, Francisco Javier
Aracil Fernández, Elisa María
Fecha de publicación : 14-mar-2022
Editorial : Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. (Bingley, Reino Unido)
Resumen : Extreme events undermine progress toward social sustainability and require an immediate response from the private sector. The authors propose a twodimensional framework (response time and the scope of activities to the various stakeholders) to benchmark firms’ effectiveness in mitigating the threats to social sustainability post-disaster. This framework allows establishing a taxonomy of corporate emergency responses. Within such a framework, the authors group 218 corporate actions from 111 companies operating in Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic into four corporate relief strategies: symbolic, selective, reactive, and supportive. The authors show how companies can use this framework as a guide to foster social sustainability in times of shock in an efficient way. Also, stakeholders can use this framework as a reference to distinguish corporate initiatives aiming to propel community resilience from corporate “covidwashing.”
Extreme events undermine progress toward social sustainability and require an immediate response from the private sector. The authors propose a twodimensional framework (response time and the scope of activities to the various stakeholders) to benchmark firms’ effectiveness in mitigating the threats to social sustainability post-disaster. This framework allows establishing a taxonomy of corporate emergency responses. Within such a framework, the authors group 218 corporate actions from 111 companies operating in Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic into four corporate relief strategies: symbolic, selective, reactive, and supportive. The authors show how companies can use this framework as a guide to foster social sustainability in times of shock in an efficient way. Also, stakeholders can use this framework as a reference to distinguish corporate initiatives aiming to propel community resilience from corporate “covidwashing.”
Descripción : Capítulos en libros
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/11531/88033
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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