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Resultados 56701-56710 de 57741.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
1-sep-2008Software RAMS: the opportunityGonzález Arechavala, Yolanda; Rodríguez Mondéjar, José Antonio; Latorre Lario, Gloria
12-sep-2008Marginalistic bidding for cross border transmission capacitySánchez Martín, Pedro; Campos Fernández, Francisco Alberto
2-abr-2007Implementation of Genetic Algorithms in ATP for Optimal Allocation and Sizing of Active Power Line ConditionersUrrutia Ramos, Diego Felipe; Buitrago, Leidy; Torres-Sánchez, Horacio; Gallego Vega, Luis Eduardo; Delgadillo Vega, Andrés Ramiro
5-dic-2007New transformer sizing criteria based on moving average techniques for railway systemsJiménez Octavio, Jesús Ramón; Pilo De La Fuente, Eduardo; Egido Cortés, Ignacio; Carnicero López, Alberto
24-jun-2007Risk-constrained strategic bidding of a hydro producer under price uncertaintyGarcía González, Javier; Moraga Ruíz de la Muela, Rocío; Mateo González, Alicia
24-jun-2007Optimizing the Surge Arresters Location for Improving Lightning Induced Voltage Performance of Distribution NetworkPérez Moreno, Ernesto; Delgadillo Vega, Andrés Ramiro; Urrutia Ramos, Diego Felipe; Torres-Sánchez, Horacio
5-dic-2007An optimization procedure to determine the topology of ac railways power supply networksPilo De La Fuente, Eduardo; Rouco Rodríguez, Luis; Fernández Cardador, Antonio
2-mar-2007Using a grid to evaluate the threat of zombie networks against asymmetric encryption algorithmsPalacios Hielscher, Rafael
22-sep-2006Uso de gráficos de cajas borrosos para controlar el final de una aplicación del método DelphiSarabia Viejo, Angel Antonio; Maté Jiménez, Carlos; Caro Carretero, Raquel; Tapia, Javier
24-jun-2007Emission rights allocation criteriaBatlle López, Carlos; Barquín Gil, Julián

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