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Resultados 57171-57180 de 57690.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
24-may-2024A new method for efficient transmission losses allocation in electricity markets without losses consideration in the dispatchAbbas Eltahir Elabbas, Mohamed; Olmos Camacho, Luis
19-mar-2024iRider : Integrating sensors and cameras for in-depth biomechanical analysis of electric scooterCallista S, Jyotsna; Alwin, Joicy; Sharon, Kaviena; Kallarackal, Paul M.; Raja, Sanjai; Asensio Gil, Juan Manuel; Rodríguez-Morcillo García, Carlos
15-feb-2024Frequency stability assessment of deloaded wind turbines in Spanish island power systemsFuente Pascual, Delia; Rajabdorri, Mohammad; Lobato Miguélez, Enrique; Sigrist, Lukas
1-jun-2024Análisis y predicción de curvas agregadas de oferta y demanda en el mercado eléctrico europeoMuñoz San Roque, Antonio; Portela González, José; Sánchez Ubeda, Eugenio Francisco; Mestre Marcos, Guillermo
22-dic-2023Impact assessment of FCUC on optimal design of UFLS settings in Island Power SystemsLobato Miguélez, Enrique; Sigrist, Lukas; Rajabdorri, Mohammad; Egido Cortés, Ignacio
14-jun-2024Equation with boundary feedback dampingJiménez Casas, Ángela; Rodríguez Bernal, Aníbal
29-jul-2021Impact on power system transient stability of AC-line-emulation controllers of VSC-HVDC linksRenedo Anglada, Javier; Sigrist, Lukas; Rouco Rodríguez, Luis; García Cerrada, Aurelio
29-jul-2021Integrated models for electrical distribution network planning and district-scale building energy useRosa, Luca de; Mateo Domingo, Carlos; Gómez San Román, Tomás; El Kontar, Rawad; Polly, Ben; Fleming, Katherine; Elgindy, Tarek
29-jul-2021A novel methodology to determine the new functionalities needed in the next generation of smart metersMonterroso Ruiz, Juan Diego; Larumbe Cabanas, Iñigo; López López, Gregorio
29-jul-2021Local flexibility mechanisms for electricity distribution through regulatory sandboxes: international review and a proposal for SpainCorrea Ramírez, Mauricio; Gómez San Román, Tomás; Cossent Arín, Rafael

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