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Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 2021
1+1 is more than 2 – The many benefits of team-teaching!
Team-teaching is an opportunity for opening the doors and sharing our teaching practice with other colleagues and experts. The presence of two teachers in the classroom naturally results in active observation, personal ... -
27 millones de vidas. La representación del Frente Oriental en la Segunda Guerra Mundial en Das achte Leben (La octava vida) de Nino Haratischwili
La respresentación del Frente Oriental en la Segunda Guerra Mundial en la obra "Das Achte Leben" -
360 Smart Vision : La Universidad Pontificia Comillas y Deloitte lanzan un panel que mide en tiempo real la realidad socioeconómica de España
(Universidad Pontificia Comillas. ICADE ; Deloitte, 2020)360 Smart Vision nace con el propósito de proveer a los agentes económicos, políticos y sociales de una herramienta de análisis científica que ofrece información objetiva • Este panel constituye la primera plataforma ... -
A 3D-printed prototype of a miniaturized top-metalized rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna
This paper presents a 3D-printed prototype of a novel top-metalized Dielectric Resonator Antenna (DRA). The inclusion of top metallization induces a modification in the boundary conditions, resulting in a frequency reduction ... -
A Bayesian Approach to Macroeconomic Scenario Generation
A number of central banks have come to rely on Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DGSE) models to inform their economic outlook and to help formulate their policy strategies. Some central banks that have developed ... -
A benefit-based methodology to rank transmission expansion projects
This paper proposes a novel methodology to rank transmission expansion projects based on the benefits they provide to the system. The methodology developed estimates the benefits produced by investment projects, and is ... -
A bi-level framework to analyse the use of FTRs as a long-term risk hedging instrument in the European electricity context
A large portion of Renewable Energy Sources generation investments occurs in remote areas, which are normally weakly connected to the rest of the system. Hence, relevant congestion arises in the network linking these areas ... -
A big-data approach to assess transport poverty: a case study of Madrid
Transport poverty, a multifaceted issue, has garnered increasing attention in recent years. This study employs anonymized mobile phone data and GIS techniques to analyze commuting patterns, economic burdens, and spatial ... -
A capacity mechanism design for distribution network expansion planning
Capacity remuneration mechanisms have been originally oriented to ensure availability and continuity of supply on the power generation pool. Equivalent generation-based capacity mechanisms could be implemented to enhance ... -
A child’s play: an agent-based simulator to protect minors online
In this paper, we present a prototype framework that combines a custom-made interactive story-like serious game and non-parametric Bayesian modeling (where the generative part of the model is an Agent-based simulation) ... -
A communication-free reactive-power control strategy in VSC-HVDC multi-terminal systems to improve transient stability
This paper proposes a new reactive-power control strategy for High Voltage Direct Current multi-terminal systems with Voltage Source Converter stations (VSC-HVDC) to improve transient stability in electric power transmission ... -
A comparative analysis of Cournot equilibrium and cost minimization models for electricity and hydrogen integration
The relationship between hydrogen and electricity has gained attention due to their interconnected roles in the energy transition. Existing joint electricity and hydrogen market models often overlook the dependence between ... -
A comparative analysis of Cournot equilibrium and perfect competition models for electricity and hydrogen markets integration
The relationship between hydrogen and electricity has gained attention due to their interconnected roles in the energy transition. Existing joint electricity and hydrogen market models often overlook the dependence between ... -
A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Algorithms for Padel Tennis Shot Classification
En esta comunicación se presenta una comparativa de modelos de machine learning para clasificar distintos golpes de pádel. Para ello se creó la primera base de datos con golpes de pádel y se desarrolló un dispositivo para ... -
A comparative study of techniques utilized in analysis of wind turbine data
Power produced by a wind turbine is dependent on many factors with different importance degrees. Main factors can be found by a thorough analysis of all the factors and their correlation and impact on the main output. ... -
A comparative study of the application of lesson study in different university learning environments
This paper presents the application of Lesson Study technique to seven subjects in different faculties in three Spanish universities. Lesson study is a methodology for the improvement of any teaching activity based on the ... -
A comprehensive computer-aided planning approach for universal energy access. Case study of Kilifi, Kenya
In 2009, it was estimated that 1.4 billion people in the world lack access to electricity, and approximately 2.7 billion people rely on biomass as their primary cooking fuel. Access to reliable electricity and modern forms ... -
A computational framework for understanding risk factors in cybercrime
In this paper, we present a prototype computational framework to study the risk factors that play a relevant role in cybercrime. Intending to address the limitations of the classical approaches used in social science and ...