Risk assessment of transmission network failures in a single-price electricity market using conjectural-variation equilibrium
Risk assessment is a key aspect in power systems' design and planning. Under the new competitive
framework of the electricity sector, power systems are found to be more and more
strained and operated near their technical limits. On the economic front, problems arising due
to transmission lines' limited capacities and reduced reliability becomes an obstacle to perfect
competition among the market participants, and negatively a ect the electricity market prices.
Under these scenarios, it is crucial for the system operator (SO) to have tools that allow the
correct assessment of the impact of network failures on the total system's running costs. In this
work, we propose a novel risk assessment method that aims to assist the SO in evaluating these
costs under di erent line failure scenarios. The risk is quanti ed in a single-price market not
only in terms of the ENS cost, but also in terms of the so called correction costs arising due to
the necessity of correcting the dispatch in case of a line failure. The latter takes into account
the e ect of exercise of market power by the generation companies (GenCos) if they can anticipate
that such failure would occur. The study is conducted on the IEEE 6-bus Reliability Test
System (RBTS) by solving a bi-level model consisting of a conjectural-variation equilibrium
model, and a DC optimal power
ow model. The results shown to o er a guideline for the SO
to identify the critical network lines by means of a classi cation of which line's vulnerability
contribute higher costs for the network.
Trabajo Fin de Máster
Risk assessment of transmission network failures in a single-price electricity market using conjectural-variation equilibriumTitulación / Programa
Master in the Electric Power IndustryMaterias/ UNESCO
33 Ciencias tecnológicas3306 Ingeniería y tecnología eléctrica
330609 Transmisión y distribución