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Resultados 58241-58250 de 58475.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-The effectiveness of cervical airbags in the control of head and neck kinematicsVives Torres, Carmen María; Valdano, Manuel; Álvarez Fernández, Jaime; Asensio Gil, Juan Manuel; Rodríguez-Morcillo García, Carlos; Millet Solanelles, Marc; Oleaga Ortega, Nil; Llobet Cusí, Lucas; López Valdés, Francisco José
-Gender, racialization and sexual orientation: a common ground for aggression in the form of cyberbullying and online hate speechReneses Botija, María; Riberas Gutiérrez, María; Bueno Guerra, Nereida
-Probability density-based energy-saving recommendations for household refrigerating appliancesRodríguez Cuenca, Francisco; Sánchez Ubeda, Eugenio Francisco; Portela González, José; Muñoz San Roque, Antonio; Guizien Martin, Victor; Andrea, Veiga Santiago; Mateo González, Alicia
-Who shares fake news? Consumption, verification and dissemination of information among adolescentsRiberas Gutiérrez, María; Reneses Botija, María; Bueno Guerra, Nereida
-Characterisation of the features of seat‐belt systems based on the analysis of large crash databasesValdano, Manuel; Jiménez Octavio, Jesús Ramón; Pipkorn, Bengt; López Valdés, Francisco José
-The effect of seatbelt pre-tensioners and load limiters in the reduction of MAIS 2%2B, MAIS 3%2B, and fatal injuries in real-world frontal crashesValdano, Manuel; Jiménez Octavio, Jesús Ramón; López Valdés, Francisco José
-Género, sexualidad y online grooming: diferencias en las estrategias de los agresores y en la percepción del riesgo de las víctimasRiberas Gutiérrez, María; Reneses Botija, María; Bueno Guerra, Nereida
-Enabling the seamless coordination and synchronization of microgrids using batteriesMorán Río, Diana Patricia; Roldan Perez, Javier; Prodanovic, Milan; García Cerrada, Aurelio
-EUniversal: the universal market enabling interface as a way to unlock flexibility solutions for cost-effective management of smarter distribution gridsSimão, Tiago; Terras, José M.; Gouveia Aguiar, Clara; Gerard, Helena; Meeus, Leonardo; Calpe, Carmen; Noske, Slawomir; Otuszewski, Thomas; Cossent Arín, Rafael; González, Florian
-Using data-mining techniques for the prediction of the severity of road crashes in Cartagena, ColombiaOspina Mateus, Holman; Quintana Jiménez, Leonardo Augusto; López Valdés, Francisco José; Morales Londoño, Natalie; Salas Navarro, Katherinne

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