Asymptotic Behaviour of a Viscoelastic Thermosyphon Model
Estudiamos el comportamiento asintótico de un termosifón que contiene un fluido viscoelástico dependiendo de algunos parámetros físicos relevantes. Thermoyphons, in the engineering literature, is a device composed of a closed loop containing a fluid who motion is driven by several actions such as gravity
and natural convection. Their dynamics are governing for a coupled differential nonlinear systems. In several previous work we show chaos in the fluid, even with
a viscoelastic fluid. We study the asymptotic behavior depending on the relevant parameters for this king of viscoelastic fluid in some particular thermosyphon models.
Asymptotic Behaviour of a Viscoelastic
Thermosyphon Model
Palabras Clave
Termosifón, Comportamiento Asintótico, Variedad Inercial, Fluido viscoelástico.Thermosyphon, Asymptotic behaviour, Inertial Manifold, Viscoelastic fluid.