Chest injuries of elderly Post Mortem Human Surrogates (PMHS) under seat belt and airbag loading in frontal sled impacts. Comparison to matching THOR tests.
Resultados de ensayos de impacto realizados con Post Mortem Human Surrogates y el dummy THOR en impactos frontales a 35 km/h, utilizando cinturón de seguridad y airbag. Discusión de las lesiones encontradas Discussion of the results of frontal sled tests with PMHS and the THOR dummy in matching impact conditions. Occupants were restrained by a seat belt and pre-inflated airbag. Resulting injuries were discussed at the light of the tests
Chest injuries of elderly Post Mortem Human Surrogates (PMHS) under seat belt and airbag loading in frontal sled impacts. Comparison to matching THOR tests.
Palabras Clave
Sled, impacto frontal, PMHS, THOR dummy, lesiones torácicasSled, frontal impact, PMHS, THOR dummy, chest injuries