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Resultados 56811-56820 de 57741.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
18-jun-2017Optimal energy and reserve scheduling of pumped-storage power plants considering hydraulic short-circuit operationChazarra Jover, Manuel; Pérez-Díaz, Juan I.; García González, Javier
18-jun-2017Economic impact of forecasting errors in residual reserve curves in the day-ahead scheduling of pumped storage plantsChazarra Jover, Manuel; Pérez-Díaz, Juan I.; García González, Javier; Helseth, Arild
6-jun-2017Short-term forecasting of electricity prices with a computationally efficient hybrid approachMarcos Peirotén, Rodrigo Alejandro de; Bello Morales, Antonio; Reneses Guillén, Javier
6-jun-2017Endogenous secondary reserves requirements in long-term electricity generation modelsCampos Fernández, Francisco Alberto; Doménech Martínez, Salvador; Villar Collado, José
6-nov-2012Method for estimating risk indicators for failure modes in a wind turbine and their use for rescheduling the planned maintenanceSanz Bobi, Miguel Ángel; Andrade Vieira, Rodrigo José
24-feb-2013Genetic algorithm for stereo correspondence with a novel fitness function and occlusion handlingArranz Domingo, Álvaro; Alvar Miró, Manuel; Boal Martín-Larrauri, Jaime; Sánchez Miralles, Alvaro; de la Escalera Hueso, Arturo
26-oct-2012Numerical prediction of smoke temperatures in an atrium under natural ventilation conditionsAyala Santamaría, Pablo; Cantizano González, Alexis; Gutiérrez Montes, Cándido; Rein Soto-Yarritu, Guillermo
26-oct-2012Application of scaling laws to fire and smoke modellingJiménez Castellanos, Francisco; Cantizano González, Alexis; Ayala Santamaría, Pablo; Rein Soto-Yarritu, Guillermo
14-mar-2013A review of key points of an industrial biogas plant. A European perspectiveSanz Bobi, Miguel Ángel; Cuadra García, Fernando; Batlle López, Carlos
2025Estación de recarga para vehículos propulsados por hidrógeno: diseño, implantación y explotación.Domínguez Adan, Emilio Manuel; Visser Varga, Ander; Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería (ICAI)

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